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Biography of His Excellency Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League

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Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa Website

Quotations from the words of Dr. Muhammad Al-Issa

Beyond the testy politics, however, Islamic religious leaders are speaking in greater unison than ever before. The message we are advancing is one of moderate Islam, and the promotion of peace, tolerance and love. We must put aside our differences and embrace our religious and cultural diversity.  As the Charter of Mecca instructs us, we must build cultural and religious ties among each other, deepen understanding between different communities, construct civilized partnerships, stand arm-in-arm against hatred and declare now and forevermore that every culture is a reflection of God's will, with an inviolable right to exist.


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The main discussions included the Gaza issue, Islamophobia, along with clarifying the definition of this term

Clips from the lecture of His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Al-Issa, at the Harvard Law School in the United States of America:

A sermon elucidating the values of Islam and outlining the pathway to community security was delivered by His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Al-issa

His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Alissa explored the contents of the Charter Of Makkah during the main meeting and working dinner hosted by the Woolf Institute. Here are the details: